Thursday, July 19, 2007


This is for the ladies.
If you are in a hurry and driving recklessly, pls do not trail an SLK (small little kancil) bearing the number plate WHA 7873. Please...never never trail this kancil too close. Coz the driver of this kancil can be insane sometimes. He is under a lot of stress lately. You wouldnt want to trigger the madness in him. He doesn't care whether you are a male or female or even if you are samseng or a mobster or a mobster's wife or gf. Be warned. The poorest ppl are the most garang (fierce).

So for that bitch who drove a toyota SUV this evening around 9.30pm on a wet evening along or near the Eastin Hotel trailing a cute little kancil at too-close-for-comfort distance.....u r such a BITCH!! by the way, in case u ppl din know. After the kancil let her thru, she was trailing a motorcyclist. She din even horn. She was just trailing them at half a feet. so , this bitch was lucky that i din manage to get her plate number.

so, Bitch... may you have a 4 flat lovely tyre soon....

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