Saturday, July 07, 2007


Today is a very special day. 7.7.07. And the LIve Earth started and you can watch it 'live' on msn. It is held over 7 continents - UK, US, Australia, China, Brazil, South Africa and Japan. YOu must use internet explorer to watch it. So log on or It is extremely smooth streaming!

Now it's 9.30am and the concert already started in Australia. Next would be Japan, China, Germany, UK, US and Brazil.

The artic ice is melting and will cause massive flood worldwide and it's already happening. Climate will change and there will be more disasters. The time has come for us to do something.
so, what are you going to do to contribute saving our planet? At our home here, we have already started to throw the plastic bottles in separate bags months ago. And i have donated most of my old clothes and some quite recent [coz i couldnt wear them :( ] to those needy.

We are lucky lots in Msia as we do not experience the kind of disasters elsewhere BUT...well, we have already seen how rain here has caused floods in many part of the states. Even the SMART tunnel system couldn't divert more than 60% of the flood in the city. It is not Armageddon..haha. Just live your life cool and enjoy every moment and also do pledge to do something good for mother nature for our future generations.

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