Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Advertlets in deep water?

Advertlets forgot to make payment for their domain name?

This news is everywhere on the blogsphere and i guess it has affected the company seriously. Many bloggers stripped off their ads in order for their blogs to work properly. And with frustrations, some jumped to other networks instead. i guess the other 3 networks are benefiting from this incident.

Although Advertlets issued an apology and also explained what were the causes, i don't think there is any excuse for something important as this. It may be an oversight but again, I am sure the company received email reminders to renew its domain name. The worse part is they have thousands of members and ad services running. Who actually forgot to make the payment? erm..the secretary? the administrator? or the owner himself?

The mistake has been made and now time will tell if Advertlets can crawl back up to the competition.

Procrastination is a disease. I know :)

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